Business Turnaround
Judging from the external economical context perspective, the business should grow, but instead it is flattened or even decreasing. You started the Company Journey a while ago, and you gradually diverted from the highway, ended up on side roads, dead ends, moving slower and slower
If you are in this situation, have you thought about the following sequence of questions?
Where can I save money so I gain time for more thorough analysis?
You are already in a difficult situation, but understanding the reasons behind the difficulties takes time and resources. Business transformation will not happen over night, so before starting any analysis and proceed with a concrete set of actions, you must gain time by saving costs and minimizing losses.
What are the reasons behind the business trend?
Since the factors driving the business in difficult situations depend on the business, its history and overall context, there is no predefined recipe for understanding. We, however, created our own approach for identifying hypothesizes, called 5P-Backwards Analysis.
Do I have good enough numbers for a proper analysis?
There is a lot of business information to be extracted from financial and non-financial numbers. These numbers are the most objective kind of information to be used, and, if their quality and level of detail is enough, can already show the main reasons behind a business setback or stall.
Are the services or products profitable enough?
There is a lot of business information to be extracted from financial and non-financial numbers. These numbers are the most objective kind of information to be used, and, if their quality and level of detail is enough, can already show the main reasons behind a business setback or stall.
Is my organization too “heavy”?
Another factor is related to efficiency. Is the supporting staff too large for the business you have? Should you externalize non-core business processes?
Are the processes and business support systems a burden? Are they working? Are there any broken processes?
Organizations “heavy” due to size of people are many times heavy in terms of processes, too. Keeping a pragmatic thinking in redesigning the processes to streamline the activities could greatly improve the business.
Positioning not consistent? Strategy not clear/outdated?
Even though the internal aspects related to people and processes are solved, the external aspects may contribute to the situation. Revisiting the strategy, how the portfolio is positioned on the market, the market segments and the sales approach could drive to beneficial changes.
How do I fix the current situation?
All the questions above focus on understanding why the Company Journey ended on bumpy, unpaved roads and what needs to be done to return to the highway.
Implementing the solutions is subject of a transformation program, usually a complex one, that requires the proper structure in planning, executing, measuring and steering.
The Results
Through our guidance, coaching and direct involvement, in this stage of your Company Journey you will achieve the following results: